Moist scent/Moist Snuff,Contaminated With Harmful Substances

A new research on the smokeless tobacco goods called moist scent placed between lip and glue - has led scientists in Minnesota to urge the tobacco industry to dress manufacturing practices to subjugate snuff's content of carcinogens. Their inspection is published online in ACS' monthly journal Chemical Research in Toxicology. It reports that this type of tobacco products contains amazingly high levels of certain toxic and cancer-causing substances. Called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), they may conduce to carcinogenic effects associated with smokeless tobacco use.

Irina Stepanov and colleagues note that use of moist smell increased by almost 80 fold between 1986-2003, partially because of the notion that it is safer then cigarettes. While smokeless tobacco use is indeed associated with lower risk of cancer as compared to cigarette smoking, it can lead to precancerous oral lesions and oral, esophageal, and pancreatic cancer. Only trace amounts of one of the PAHs has been reported to be make known in smokeless tobacco prior to the recent disclosure by Stepanov and colleagues that at least eight PAHs are instant in smokeless tobacco. This decision inspired the new research.

The scientists analyzed the PAHs in 23 moist rappee samples that included various flavors of the most popular brands sold in the U.S. They identified 23 different PAHs in the samples, of which 9 are classed as carcinogens. They close that PAHs are one of the most plentiful groups of cancer-causing substances in moist rappee. "Urgent measures are required from the U.S. tobacco industry to mitigate manufacturing processes so that the levels of these toxicants and carcinogens in U.S. moist scent are greatly reduced," the article notes.

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