When babies born with cleft lip

Cleft lip occurs in about 1 in 700 births, is the fourth most common birth defect, the first most common facial birth defect and, most importantly, a repairable birth defect. However armed with these facts most parents feel totally alone.

http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/3089/705729969222998908.jpghttp://img42.imageshack.us/img42/5412/16329070972a6f8e5312914.jpgCleft lip is caused when the lips do not join together early in pregnancy usually in the first 7-9 weeks gestation. Its cause is not known and can be guesstimated to many factors including genetics, smoking, certain medications, as well as enviromental factors. Many experts agree it is something the mother has no control over and should try not to dwell on the causes nor place blame on herself.

Now open your mouth. Do you see the seam on the roof of your mouth? Sometimes you can feel it with your finger or your tongue. That's where your palate grew together in the middle. You can see that the palate goes from behind your front teeth all the way to the back of your mouth.

How Does a Kid Get Cleft Lip or Cleft Palate?

The word cleft means a gap or split between two things. A cleft lip is a split in the upper lip. This can happen on one or two sides of the lip, creating a wider opening into the nose. A cleft palate is a split in the roof of the mouth. This leaves a hole between the nose and the mouth. Sometimes a cleft lip and cleft palate occur together in the same person. Cleft lip and cleft palate are very common and occur in about 1 or 2 of every 1,000 babies born in the United States each year.

Cleft lip and cleft palate are birth defects, which means they happen while a baby is developing inside his or her mother. Normally, the mouth and nose of a baby develop between the first 6 and 12 weeks of growth. In some babies, parts of the lips and roof of the mouth don't grow together. Because the lips and the palate develop separately, it's possible to have cleft lip, cleft palate, or both.

We don't always know why a particular baby has cleft lip or cleft palate. Sometimes the condition runs in families. This means that a person with cleft lip or cleft palate may have a relative with the same thing. Other times, cleft palate is part of a syndrome, meaning there are birth defects in other body parts, too. Sometimes a cleft may be related to what happened during a mother's pregnancy, like a medication she may have taken, a lack of certain vitamins, or exposure to cigarette smoke. Most of the time, however, the cause of the cleft is unknown and could not be prevented.

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From : kidshealth , associatedcontent


Orabrush Tongue Cleaner - Brush and Scraper in One

Did you know that 90% of bad breath comes from bacteria and residue on your tongue? OraBrush is a tongue scraper that uses specially engineered bristles to break up and remove the bacteria from your tongue.

Bad breath is not a very pleasant topic to talk about, so I'll keep it brief. If you want total freshness, start by cleaning your tongue. The soft bristles make this tongue cleaner unique. Try it and experience the freshness.


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How to make yellow teeth white?

Have your pearly whites turned yellow from stains? Get your bright white smile back by removing stubborn stains off of your teeth. Teeth are stained by many different substances including food, tobacco and prescription drugs. Remove stains and keep them clean by changing your daily habits.

To most people, having white teeth is very important. A bright shining smile leaves a good impression, and can be a valuable asset in your social life, relationships and career. In fact, studies have shown that people are naturally attracted to people who have white teeth over those whose teeth are, shall we say, not so wonderful.
This combined with other more personal reasons (the confidence boost white teeth can give, a sense of personal pride, a positive self image, to name a few) means that many people are looking for a way to make yellow teeth white.

But what can you do? If you like most people follow a rigid dental hygiene regime, with regular brushing, flossing and rinsing with mouthwash, avoiding sugary foods and teeth staining stuff like tea, coffee, red wine and cigarettes, and still struggle with yellow teeth, you'd probably like a solution that's quick, easy, and won't break the bank.
Well, there's two options. The first is dental tooth bleaching. This is done by your dentist, and can be done using special dental scrubs and solutions, or using a laser light treatment. This is very effective at getting yellow teeth white, but can also be very expensive and time consuming.
The second option, which more and more people each day are having huge success with, is home tooth whitening. This involves getting a kit that includes a whitening gel or paste that is applied to the teeth through a special teeth tray (like a football mouthguard), or through flexible strips that attach to the teeth, or through a swab or lightening pen that releases a whitening solution on to the teeth.
These products are very reasonably priced, and thanks to the booming industry that has seen years and years of development and research, have reached the point where many of them are as effective or even better than the dental option. Additionally, the industry boom also means that many companies are constantly offering very good deals, specials and free trials on their products, which means you can try lots of these treatments for very cheap or even free.
If you are looking for a cheap, easy and fast way to make yellow teeth white, take a look into home whitening kits, you won't be disappointed.

Smelly bump/sebaceous cyst on back of shoulder

Ask 1 : my b/f has a bump on his back which has been there for ages. I noticed it had a white head on it so i squeezed it and white pus came out just like a normal pimple. i have to add that this spot doesn't hurt him at all. Another thing that we have noticed is that the pus smells really bad and is very thick. what can this be? i heard of something called a sebaceous cyst.

Has anyone had this?

Ask 2 : What your husband may have is a sebaceous cyst. These often start from a swollen hair follicle. Usually these cause no pain, but sometimes can become infected, painful and swollen. Foul smelling discharge may occur. Placing a warm cloth over the area may assist in promoting drainage and healing.

Although these cysts are not dangerous your healthcare provider should examine the area to rule out the possibilities of skin cancer.

Thanks for submitting your question and good luck. 

Lump in Throat (Globus Pharyngeus) and Difficulty Swallowing

Globus Hystericus

It is caused by the muscles in the throat contracting due to anxiety or stress. Sometimes it feels like you cannot swallow anything and trying to makes it worse. This is another example of a symptom, which will improve if you give it no credibility. It is totally harmless and will not cause you to stop breathing, eating or drinking, it is just very unpleasant.

Some people have Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), without even knowing it. They may feel like they have a lump feeling in the throat or have food stuck in their throat or like they are choking or their throat is sore or tight, or hoarseness in the morning, or trouble swallowing. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) can also cause a dry cough and bad breath, and breathing difficulties similar to asthma.

Always get a second opinion if you are not sure about your * diagnosis. It is always best to seek professional medical care and advice from your physician with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

There is a lump in my throat!" This complaint may be expressed at any age or gender. This lump in the throat sensation (also known as globus pharyngeus or hystericus), is a common complaint that many patients have when presenting to their physician (if you can actually see or feel a mass in the neck, click here for more information). This lump sensation in the neck is most often described as "annoying," but not painful. The sensation is more pronounced when swallowing and may even interfere somewhat with swallowing whether it be solids or liquids. Often, a person may feel compelled to swallow a second or third time to make sure things get down. The lump itself is described to be roughly the size of a golf ball or as small as a vitamin pill and is precisely located in the middle of the neck right above the sternum and below the Adam's Apple. If the lump sensation is ABOVE the Adam's Apple, click here as the following section does not apply to you.

One must first understand a bit of anatomy in this region in order to understand the various causes of globus and their treatment.

The midline external neck landmarks going from superior to inferior is composed of the chin, hyoid bone, Adam's Apple (laryngeal incisure), thyroid cartilage, cricoid cartilage, rings of the trachea (windpipe), and finally sternum. In the photo, the person is pointing exactly on the cricoid cartilage, which coincidentally, is where individuals with globus pharyngeus complain the lump sensation is located. Landmarks are identified below

Behind and anchored to the cricoid cartilage, there is a muscle called the cricopharyngeal muscle that makes a sling around the esophagus (or swallowing tube that leads to the stomach from the mouth). This muscle acts like a sphincter to prevent food from coming back into the mouth after swallowing. This sphincteric muscle is what causes the lump sensation in the throat when it becomes too tight for one reason or another!

Related :
- Lump in the Throat (Globus) Sensation
- Smelly bump/sebaceous cyst on back of shoulder

From :homepage.mac.com , .nexiumresearch.com

How GERD Cause tooth decay GastroEsophageal Reflux Disease Cause Tooth Decay ?

GERD stands for GastroEsophageal Reflux Disease

Gastroesophageal Reflux is the backflow of acid and food particles that seep out of the belly and up into the esophagus. This happens when the muscle between the esophagus and the stomach, the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), is weak or relaxes when it shouldn't. Also called esophageal reflux or reflux esophagitis.

Almost every person experiences gastroesophageal reflux at some time, commonly known as heartburn, a painful, burning feeling in the chest, much commonly occurring after a meal. But if you have heartburn on a regular basis, it can lead to damage and scarring in the esophagus.

http://img130.imageshack.us/img130/1285/gastroesophagealreflux4.jpgFrequent heartburn (episodes occurring from several times a week to several times a day) may be connected with a more severe restriction known as Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). Heartburn is so common that it often is not connected with a serious disease, like GERD.

People of all ages are vulnerable to GERD. GERD may be more common in adults over age 40 but it can occur in infants, in the elderly, and at any age in between. Elderly people with GERD tend to have a more serious fitness than younger people.

Can GERD Cause Tooth Decay?

http://img192.imageshack.us/img192/4624/erosionthumb43978364399.jpgThe reflux of acid from the stomach back up into the esophagus can ultimately make its way to the mouth. Because this acid is in constant intimate contact with the teeth, it can demineralize or remove layers from them. In general, the enamel on the lingual, or the tongue and palate surfaces of the tooth, is affected rather than the outer or cheek side of the enamel of the tooth. It is also true that patients with GERD experience dry mouth, which intensifies dental bacteria and plaque and can lead to an increase in cavities and decay. Medications that GERD patients take can also dry out the mouth, which contributes to stronger dental plaque. A number of patients say that sucking on breath mints, candies, or lozenges soothes burning in the mouth. Sucking on lozenges can also stimulate saliva production, which helps to fight dry mouth. Beware of mints or sucking candies that contain sugar, as they can also contribute to increased decay.

From : everydayhealth.com , nexiumresearch.com

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Tooth Abscess in Crown and Root

Oral Health Hygiene Tips Offer

Root Canal Treatment , Remedy Tooth Abscess On Gums Above Crown

Tooth Abscesses and the Root Canal Relief

Remedies for Toothache Relief

nfected root canal optic nerve complications And Dental Anesthesia complications

Way to Stop Tooth Nerve/Pupal Infection Symptoms


Root Canal Treatment , Remedy Tooth Abscess On Gums Above Crown

A tooth abscess or root abscess is pus enclosed in the tissues of the jaw bone at the tip of an infected tusk. Usually the abscess originates from a bacterial infection that has accumulated in the soft pulp of the tooth. This is usually but not always associated with what is generally described as a dull throbbing excruciating ache.

A root abscess essentially originates from stagnant pulp tissue, usually caused by untreated tusk decay, cracked teeth or extensive periodontal disease. A failed root canal treatment, may also create a related abscess.
http://img137.imageshack.us/img137/3080/headdentalabscess224431.jpgTooth abscess is an infection of the root of the tooth or of the tooth itself. When the root of the tooth is dead, a dentist is most likely to cleanse the tooth and the root canal before filling the tooth and root canal. In this case, a tooth abscess is likely to form in the root and the infection generates puss. The puss is responsible for most, if not all, of the symptoms of a tooth abscess, together with swelling, nerve sensitivity, and pain. On the other hand, when the root of the tooth is allay alive, the infection upsets the nerve of said tooth and causes pain. Tooth putrefy begins as the tooth abscess forms in the soft pulp located in the very focus of the tooth. An abscess usually occurs on just a single tooth, but delayed treatment may result in the infection of the enclosing teeth.

There are many factors that donate to the build of tooth abscesses, the most primary of which is proper oral hygiene, or the lack of it, to be more precise. People who observe good oral hygiene are not prone to experience any tooth problems. To take a closer look, the succeeding sentences offer an clarification for the occurrence of tooth abscesses. Firstly, tooth abscesses are formed when the affected tooth had dental work – such as a crown, filling, or root canal – previously performed on it.

Probably the most unpleasant problem one can have with teeth is an abscess. An abscess is a sac of tissue that has become infected. There are two types of abscesses and they are named according to their location in your mouth. When the abscess forms between a tooth and the gum it is called a periodontal abscess. If the abscess occurs at the base of the tooth, it is referred to as a tooth abscess. Both types of abscesses can be greatly unpleasant. In addition to pain, they may also be accompanied by a fever and swelling of the lymph glands beneath the jaw and in front of the neck.

A periodontal abscess is generally the result of an precocious stage of the gum disease known as periodontitis. During this stage, the bone and ligaments that carry the tooth start to enfeeble and move away from the tooth forming a pocket. Bacteria then raid the pocket and begin to grow within it. This triggers an infection and an abscess forms. To treat the infection the dentist first inserts a probe into the pocket to relieve the pressure on the infected area. Then the pocket is cleaned out.

A tooth abscess occurs when either tooth decay or a fracture in the crown of the tooth allow bacteria to join the pulp. These micro organisms then travel down to the bottom of the tooth and create an abscess. A tooth abscess is treated by root canal surgery. Front teeth have only one root however molars may have three or four canals so the dentist must first function x-rays to define the root or roots that require treatment. The dentist may also decide to prescription antibiotics to heal the infection before performing the surgery.

The dentist begins a root canal by first administering a local anesthetic, and then drilling a hole into the tooth and removing the infected pulp with an instrument known as a broach. After this, tiny files are used to fair out the canal. Once the area is thoroughly cleaned, the dentist rinses the pulp area with an anti-bacterial suspension to disinfect it. When this is done, the chamber is swabbed with an anti-bacterial paste to get rid of any remaining bacteria. Then a temporary filling is placed in the area. At the subsequent appointment, the dentist will delete the temporary filling and inspect chamber thoroughly to be sure it is sterile.

The chamber and canals are filled with a material called gutta-percha. The final step in the method is inserting an amalgam filling and installing a crown. The mission of the crown is to harden the tooth thereby preventing breakage. Root canal surgery may be performed by a general dentist but is usually done by a dental specialist known as an endodontist. A root canal is not a part of cosmetic dentistry. Its mission is to enhance dental health by saving a tooth from descent. However, it is significant that the promised patient be unavoidable to choose a skilled dentist because if a mistake is made, extraction may be required.

TAG : Tooth Abscess , Crown and Root Abscess , Infected root canal , Tooth Abscesses and the Root Canal Relief , Stop Tooth Infection , Pupal Infection

From : .articlesbase.com , .beliefnet.com
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Tooth Abscess in Crown and Root

Oral Health Hygiene Tips Offer

Tooth Abscesses and the Root Canal Relief

Remedies for Toothache Relief

nfected root canal optic nerve complications And Dental Anesthesia complications

Way to Stop Tooth Nerve/Pupal Infection Symptoms


Infected root canal optic nerve complications And Dental Anesthesia complications

An infected root canal is a failed root canal or an incomplete root canal. It occurs in about 2 percent of the cases. Unfortunately, there may or may not be root canal pain so it is important to have follow up dental x-rays done about six months after every root canal.

http://img693.imageshack.us/img693/5318/rootcanal14453641447592.jpgMost of the time, a root canal dentist will first choose to retreat an infected root canal. Retreatments are normally 50% successful, but they are worth trying because the other alternatives are more invasive. The first visit removes the old filling material, cleans out the canals and places calcium hydroxide to kill any bacteria.The second visit uses ultrasonic instruments to sterilize and completely clean the canals and the procedure is often completed.

If the retreatment of an infected root canal fails, root canal surgery or dental extraction are the most common alternatives. If only one root of a tooth with many roots is a problem, then only the failing root can be removed in a procedure called hemisection. All root canal surgeries involve going through the bone.

phthalmic complications of dental anesthesia are rare and almost always transient. They include ocular motor cranial nerve paresis, Horner syndrome, and visual loss. Symptoms generally develop immediately after injection of the anesthetic solution, persist no more than several hours, and are attributed to the anesthetic reaching the orbit or cavernous sinus. There are, however, a few reports of complications that cannot be attributed simply to the anesthetic effect, either because of delayed onset or persistent deficits . We present three new cases, two involving optic neuropathy, and one involving abduction paresis and mydriasis.

Journal of Neuro-Ophthalmology:
June 2005 - Volume 25 - Issue 2 - pp 95-100

The result of Them DISCUSSION

We have described two patients with ipsilateral optic neuropathy and one patient with an ipsilateral abduction deficit and a dilated pupil occurring immediately after dental procedures involving the upper jaw. In one patient, the optic neuropathy did not recover; in the other, it recovered completely within 10 days. The single patient with an ocular motor disturbance recovered completely within 1 day.

http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/2517/clipimage00816984321700.jpgThirty-nine cases of ophthalmic complications resulting from dental anesthesia have been published in the English literature since 1960, most of them in dental journals. Thirty-six reports have described transient manifestations that disappeared within 5 hours of administration of the anesthetic. Because of the usually benign and transient nature of the manifestations, most patients were never examined by an ophthalmologist. Therefore, the nature of the deficits is not well documented.

Of the 36 reported cases, 23 have occurred after upper jaw anesthesia (posterior superior or a middle superior alveolar block) have occurred after lower jaw anesthesia (mandibular block) . The commonest symptom has been diplopia, mostly secondary to lateral rectus palsy. Other manifestations have been visual loss, ptosis, mydriasis, and Horner syndrome. The exact mechanism by which the anesthetic causes the deficits remains unsettled.

In upper jaw anesthesia, the anesthetic is believed to cause neuro-ophthalmic manifestations by any of the following mechanisms:

1. Simple diffusion from the pterygomaxillary fossa to the orbit through defects in the bone or via the vascular, lymphatic, and venous networks that link these spaces .

2. Inadvertent injection into the orbit through the inferior orbital fissure.

3. Inadvertent intra-arterial injection into the superior alveolar artery with retrograde flow to the internal maxillary artery and then to the middle meningeal artery. A middle meningeal branch occasionally penetrates the superior orbital fissure and anastomoses with the lacrimal branch of the ophthalmic artery. In support of this theory is the observation that blanching and anesthesia of the skin of the lateral upper and lower eyelids, supplied by the lacrimal nerve and artery, are sometimes described in conjunction with transient ophthalmic manifestations. The risk of penetrating an arterial lumen increases when using a non-aspirating syringe and injecting rapidly under pressure.

4. Inadvertent venous injection into the pterygoid venous plexus. From there the solution can reach the orbit through the cavernous sinus which receives drainage from the pterygoid venous plexus via emissary veins through the foramen ovale and drainage from the orbit via the inferior and superior ophthalmic veins. The pterygoid venous plexus also communicates with the inferior ophthalmic vein through the inferior orbital fissure .

5. Inadvertent scraping of the wall of an artery. The trauma sets up a sympathetic impulse that travels from the anterior, middle, or posterior superior alveolar arteries back to the internal carotid plexus and from there through the ophthalmic artery to the orbit. Decreased sympathetic activity would then produce vasoconstriction caused by the unopposed parasympathetic tone that in turn would cause ischemic deficits .

The mechanism of transient injury after lower jaw anesthesia can hardly be explained by simple diffusion of the anesthetic solution, because the injection site is too far from the orbit. Instead, the proposed mechanism is inadvertent intra-arterial injection. Because the inferior alveolar artery, a branch of the internal maxillary artery, lies adjacent to the alveolar nerve, an accidental intravascular injection is possible. In fact, the chances of penetrating the inferior alveolar artery during mandibular block are much higher than penetrating the posterior or middle superior alveolar arteries during upper teeth anesthesia, not only because of its proximity to the alveolar nerve, but because its lumen is relatively large.

The mechanism of Horner syndrome after inferior alveolar nerve anesthesia remains difficult to explain. It is proposed that inadvertent cervical sympathetic block results from a misdirected injection into the pterygomandibular space. From there the anesthetic would reach the pre-vertebral space and cause transient sympathetic chemical denervation .

Three cases have been reported in which ophthalmic complications were delayed, prolonged, or permanent and thus cannot be easily explained by a direct effect of the anesthetic drug (1-3). Hyams (1) reported a young woman who fainted immediately after the injection. The next day she noticed diplopia. Paresis of third and fourth cranial nerves was diagnosed. Tomazzoli-Gerosa et al. (2) described a young woman who experienced complete hemifacial sensory and motor paralysis immediately after an inferior alveolar nerve block. Several hours later, she lost vision in the ipsilateral eye. Two months later, optic disc pallor was observed, phenomena that resemble our case 2. Another unusual report (3) was that of a 14-year-old girl who complained of blurred/double vision and occasional light flashes in her OS 4 hours after the dental treatment was completed. The symptoms persisted the next morning and finally disappeared approximately 24 hours after the injection. No explanation is given.

Permanent loss of vision has been reported after anesthetic injections in other parts of the face, particularly during rhinosurgical procedures . In these cases, visual loss has been attributed to the vasospastic effect of adrenaline. This supposition is supported by the finding that ophthalmic artery pulse pressure is reduced by 50% after retrobulbar injections of Xylocaine and adrenaline.

In our case 1, diffusion of the anesthetic to the orbit or cavernous sinus alone could have explained the ophthalmic manifestations because they disappeared as the anesthetic effect wore off. Our case 2 experienced a permanent loss of vision with a course that resembled anterior ischemic optic neuropathy. We believe that the vasospastic effect of the adrenaline may have triggered this process. We cannot entirely rule out a coincidence, inasmuch as the same condition occurred in the fellow eye 1 year later without an identifiable trigger.

Our case 3 is difficult to explain because the period of optic neuropathy lasted longer than the anesthetic effect. It is possible that the neuropathy was secondary to the effect of lidocaine. Animal studies have demonstrated a possible toxic effect of lidocaine on rat retinal ganglion cells .

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- Tooth Abscess in Crown and Root 
- Tooth Abscesses and the Root Canal Relief

From :  atlantadentist.com , journals.lww.com

Cleft Lip association cleft palate Surgery in Abroad

During early pregnancy, insulate areas of the face develop individually and then join together, along with the left and right sides of the cupola of the mouth and lips. However, if some parts do not join properly, sections don’t meet and the outcome is a cleft. If the parting occurs in the upper lip, the child is said to have a cleft lip.
A completely formed lip is important not only for a normal facial appearance but also for sucking and to form slight sounds made during speech. A cleft lip is a restriction that creates an opening in the upper lip in the middle of the mouth and nose. It looks as though there is a split in the lip.

What are the types of Cleft Lip ?


Cleft Lip can be 1) Unilateral Cleft Lip - On one side of the nose or 2) Bilateral Cleft Lip - On both the sides of the nose. Cleft Lip can either be 1) Complete Cleft Lip - When the cloven extends right up and into the nose or 2) Incomplete Cleft Lip - When the crack in the upper lip does not stretch up to the nose.

What are the problems associated with Cleft Lip ?

Feeding Problems of Cleft Lip

- Cannot suck effectively
- Milk gets into the nasal cavity and may happen in choking or aspiration
- Teething Problems
- Missing teeth
- Increased number of cavities
- Malocclusion of teeth - When teeth are bunched together or on top of each other.

Speech Problems of Cleft Lip

- Nasal voice
- May develop nodules on the vocal cord due to vocal abuse
- Delayed speech and language development
- Difficulty with utterance and proper pronunciation of words
- Ear Infections
- Most children with Cleft Lip are prone to middle ear infection
- Hearing Loss
- May be associated with frequent ear infection

Planning for surgery
At your initial consultation, your doctor will discuss the details of the procedure he or she will use, along with where the surgery will be performed, the type of anesthesia to be used, possible risks and complications, recovery, costs, and the results you can expect. Your surgeon will also answer any questions you may have about feeding your baby, by breast or by bottle, both before and after the surgery.

Cleft lip surgery

A cleft lip can range in severity from a slight notch in the red part of the upper lip to a perfect disconnection of the lip extending into the nose. Clefts can occur on one or both sides of the upper lip. Surgery is generally done when the child is about 10 weeks old. To repair a cleft lip, the surgeon will make an incision on either side of the cleft from the mouth into the nostril.

Recovering from cleft lip surgery

Your child may be restless for awhile after surgery, but your doctor can prescribe treatment to fire any discomfort. Elbow restraints may be necessary for a few weeks to forestall your baby from rubbing the stitched area. If dressings have been used, they’ll be removed within a day or two, and the stitches will either dissolve or be removed within five days. Your doctor will advise you on how to feed your child during the first few weeks after surgery.

Cleft palate surgery

In some children, a cleft palate may concern only a tiny portion at the back of the palate of the mouth; for others, it can mean a entire disconnection that extends from forefront to back. Just as in cleft lip, cleft palate may emerge on one or both sides of the upper mouth. However, repairing a cleft palate involves more extensive surgery and is usually done when the child is nine to 18 months old, so the baby is bigger and better able to bear surgery.

Recovering from cleft palate surgery

For a day or two, your child will probably feel some soreness and pain, which is easily controlled by remedy. During this period, you child will not eat or liquor as much as usual -- so an intravenous line will be used to sustain fluid levels. Elbow restraints may be used to preclude your baby from rubbing the repaired area.

Benefits of surgical repai

The team address to correcting Cleft Lip and other problems associated with it has some fold benefits. Symmetry or balance of facial features is restored to a great scope but not completely. The surgeons have mastered sophisticated techniques that have improved the success rate of surgery for Cleft Lip many fold.


After the surgery has been completed, the child can notice some redness in addition to swelling on the lips. One can maintenance small strips of tape on the cuts to maintain the repairing, to fall-off the compel on the suture line and to keep away from the lips from rubbing and an unintended hit.

Cleft Lip Surgery In India

During early pregnancy, separate areas of the face develop individually and then join together, including the left and right sides of the roof of the mouth and lips. However, if some parts do not join properly, sections don’t meet and the result is a cleft. If the separation occurs in the upper lip, the child is said to have a cleft lip.

A completely formed lip is important not only for a normal facial appearance but also for sucking and to form certain sounds made during speech. A cleft lip is a condition that creates an opening in the upper lip between the mouth and nose. It looks as though there is a split in the lip.

Related : Prevent cleft palate foundation By Folic Acid

From : articlesbase.com

Prevent cleft palate foundation By Folic Acid

A cleft is a gap in a body structure that results from incomplete closing of a specific structure during development. Clefts that occur in the lip and palate (roof of the mouth) are called oral-facial clefts. There are two main types of oral-facial clefts: cleft lip/palate and isolated cleft palate.

http://img64.imageshack.us/img64/3931/14712350515118626201866.jpgLittle is known about how to prevent oral-facial clefts. However, some studies suggest that taking multivitamins containing folic acid before conception and during early pregnancy may help prevent oral-facial clefts (4, 8). Folic acid is already known to help reduce the risk of certain defects of the brain and spinal cord. To help prevent these types of birth defects, the March of Dimes and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend that all women who can become pregnant take a multivitamin that contains 400 micrograms of folic acid starting before pregnancy, as part of a healthy diet. A 2007 study by researchers at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences suggests that women who took multivitamins containing folic acid before and in the first two months of pregnancy had a lower risk of having a baby with cleft lip

Some babies have only a cleft lip. However, many babies with cleft lip have a cleft palate as well. These are called cleft lip/palate. Cleft palate also can occur by itself without cleft lip. This is called isolated cleft palate. Cleft lip/palate and isolated cleft palate are considered separate birth defects.

In this information sheet, we refer to each specific type of cleft by name and use the term oral-facial cleft when the information applies to both.

Many molecular pathways in zebrafish are present in humans and other vertebrates. By studying the induced mutation in zebrafish, the 10-member research team isolated a disruption in early developmental signaling involving Pdgf, a platelet-derived growth-factor protein, and a microRNA known as Mirn140, the researchers write in a paper posted online in advance of regular publication the monthly journal Nature Genetics.
Mutant zebrafish lacking Pdgf had cleft palate similar to many human babies, showing that this growth factor helps to organize cells that make the palate. It came as a surprise that zebrafish into which the investigators had injected too much Mirn140 also had cleft palate.

MicroRNAs are small gene products, found to be involved in gene expression, that were first described in 1993 by researchers at Harvard University. The term microRNA was introduced in when these single-strand RNA molecules about nucleotides in length were more fully detailed in Science in October 2001 by Gary Ruvkun of Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.

Mirn140, when operating normally, allows for normal cell signaling by the Pdgfra protein that properly triggers cell migrations necessary for correct oral-cranial building. The researchers showed that Mirn140 blocks the cell's expression of Pdgfra. Thus, cleft palate can result from too little Pdgfra that occurs because of either a mutation in the Pdgfra gene or too much Mirn140.

"We showed that this microRNA regulates the expression of the gene by controlling the migration of precursor cells to the palate-forming area," said principal investigator John H. Postlethwait, a professor of biology and member of the UO's Institute of Molecular Biology and Institute of Neuroscience. "This is a novel mechanism never before described."

A cleft palate is an opening in the roof of the mouth in which the two sides of the palate did not fuse, or join together, during a baby's early development. Cleft palate can negatively affect speech production, feeding, maxillofacial growth and dentition.

The first known attempt to correct the defect occurred in 500 A.D. The defect occurs with or without cleft lip (a separation of the two sides of the lip), on average, in 1 in 600 newborns, according to the Cleft Palate Foundation, but can vary by race. The highest incidence (3.6 per 1,000 births) occurs in American Indians. Palate formation begins after five weeks of gestation in humans and defects can become visible at 17 weeks, according to WebMD's eMedicine.

The findings provide a new window into the mechanisms involved in cleft palate and craniofacial defects, but researchers caution that the findings don't point toward new clinical applications.

"Further exploration of how microRNAs and other factors modulate signaling pathways such as the Pdgf pathway during palatogenesis will assuredly continue to provide insights into the cause of, and possible treatments for, human craniofacial disease," the authors conclude.

From :marchofdimes.com , medicalnewstoday.com

Mercury is present in the bodies of most Americans, suggest the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC

Mercury is find in the bodies of most Americans, propose the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), who recently reported that scientists found measureable levels of mercury in most of the participants taking part in a nationally representative health and nourishment examine.

This verdict comes from the CDC's "Fourth National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals", which, agreeing to the federal agency, is "the most comprehensive assessment to date of the exposure of the US group to chemicals in our environment".

http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/2074/mercury4905350.gifFor the report, CD scientists analyzed blood and urine samples from participants taking part in the CDC's National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), an ongoing surveyor that every two years samples members of the US population. The Fourth Report includes results from surveys covering 1999 - 2000, 2001 - 2002, and 2003 - 2004.

For the Fourth Report, CDC scientists measured total mercury in the blood of over 8,500 participants aged one year and over taking part in NHANES during 2003 - 2004. The scientists also measured mercury in the urine of over 2,500 participants aged 6 years and over, in the NHANES 2003 - 2004.

Total blood mercury mainly assesses methylmercury exposure, while urine mercury is a measure of inorganic mercury exposure. You require to measure both blood and urine levels of mercury to assess how much is in the body.

The CDC scientists establish or concluded that:

    - Most of the participants had a measureable amount of mercury in their bodies.

    -  Both blood and urine mercury levels tended to expand with age.

    -  All blood mercury levels were less than 33 µg/L.

    -  Blood and urine mercury in the US citizenry were similar to levels seen in other developed countries.

The CDC said that "defining inoffensive levels of mercury in blood continues to be an lively research area", meaning we don't really know what constitutes a "safe" level.

However, in 2000, the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences suggested that a level of 85 micrograms per liter (µg/L) in cord blood was linked with early neurodevelopmental effects, and the lower limit of the 95 per cent confidence range of this evaluate was 58 µg/L (95 per cent confidence range is a statistical measure of robustness that says if you were to do this experiment or study 100 times, on 95 of those times you would get a value ranging between these two limits).

The CDC note that this lower 95 per cent confidence limit 58 µg/L is above the 33 µg/L that the Fourth Report estimates as the most present in the US population, and point out that:

"Finding a measurable amount of mercury in blood or urine does not mean that levels of mercury cause an adverse health effect."

Mercury is a metal that exists in soil, water and air in three forms, each with different properties, usage and toxicity: elemental (or metallic) mercury, chemical mercury compounds, and organic mercury compounds.

Elemental mercury is probably the one we are most familiar with: it is a liquid at room temperature, and resembles the liquid metal form assumed by the T-1000 terminator played by Robert Patrick in the film Terminator 2.

In real life, elemental mercury is coner in everyday goods including dental amalgams, some light bulbs and thermometers; it is also used in industriousness and mining and gets into the air when we burn coal and other fossil fuels. Elemental mercury enters our bodies when we breathe in air containing mercury vapour: this is mostly in workplaces like dental offices, industrial smelting plants, or where mercury has been spilled. In the body, elemental mercury usually forms artificial compounds.

Inorganic mercury compounds occur when the metal combines with elements like sulfur or oxygen, to form compounds or salts that can occur naturally in the environment. These compounds are used in industry, where most human exposure occurs. Also, in some countries, but not the US, artificial mercury compounds are used to make cosmetic skin creams.

Organic mercury compounds occur when the metal combines with carbon, such as when micro-organisms in water and soil make methylmercury from elemental and artificial mercury: this combined accumulates in the food chain. People are exposed to methylmercury when they eat fish or shellfish. Methylmercury can also pass through the placenta into a developing fetus.

Other types of organic mercury include thimerosal and phenylmercuric acetate, made for use as preservatives (the former being the mercury composite at the center of the controversy about autism and certain childhood vaccines).

According to the CDC, we don't know what effect low levels of elemental mercury exposure have on human health, but very high levels of vapour concentrations can quickly lead to severe lung damage, and exposure to low vapour concentrations over a long period can happen in neurological disturbances, recollection problems, skin rash, and kidney abnormalities.

Some chemical mercury compounds can be irksome and corrosive to the digestive system if eaten in large amounts, and if this happens repeatedly, or if the compounds are applied to the skin over a long period, the effect is much the same as long term exposure to mercury vapour, including neurological disturbances, recollection problems, skin rash, and kidney abnormalities.

The CDC says that feeding large quantities of methylmercury over weeks to months compensation the nervous system. For example, there are cases of babies born to women poisoned with methylmercury who had developmental abnormalities and cerebral palsy.

For the Fourth Report, CDC scientists measured 212 chemicals in people's blood or urine. Many of them, like mercury, have been monitored since the reporting started, but 75 of the chemicals have never been monitored in the US citizenry before: these include acrylamide, arsenic, environmental phenols, including bisphenol A and triclosan, and perchlorate.

"National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals."
CDC, National Center for Environmental Health, 2009.
US Department of Health and Human Services.

From : medicalnewstoday.com

The way to Relief Tooth Pain Without Having Dental Coverage?

"Toothache" is pain typically around a tooth, teeth or jaws. In most instances, toothaches are caused by a dental problem, such as a dental cavity, a cracked or fractured tooth, an exposed tooth root, or gum disease.

Sometimes diseases of the jaw joint (temporomandibular joint), or spasms of the muscles used for chewing can cause toothache like symptoms.

The severity of a toothache can range from chronic and mild to sharp and excruciating. It can be a dull ache or intense. The pain may be aggravated by chewing or by thermal foods and liquids which are cold or hot. A thorough oral examination, proper tooth testing and evaluation, along with appropriate dental x-rays, can help determine the cause. What we want to know is whether the toothache is really coming from a tooth or somewhere else.


Toothache Relief, The Methode To Stop Toothache

If you are part of the statistics, what can you do to have a toothache relief without having dental insurance? First, you may look in the phone book to find a dental school from universities in your area. The dental school does procedures and check-ups for much less money, sometimes even for free, and the care is excellent. Usually there are students in their final semester or intern year that perform actual procedures to the patients, and these students are all supervised by the best professionals in the area.

Secondly, you can call your community health department
to check if there is a free or reduced fee dental clinic in your area. Most counties have one. Get your dental appointment as soon as possible. Alternatively, you can also visit the Emergency Room (ER) in a hospital, if your toothache is unbearable and dental appointment is too long to wait for.

If you live in Kansas, you may also benefit from The Kansas Dental Foundation. The Kansas Mission of Mercy provides three days of free dental care to people in Kansas once a year. Each year, Kansas Missions of Mercy (KMOM) is held in a different location. Locations have ranged from Kansas City to Garden City, with many locations in between. While this facilities may not apply to toothache sufferers who need to have their teeth relief urgently, but it is great to consider the free service as an annual dental care for the uninsured Kansas residents. As good oral health is conducive to productivity, general health and well-being, individuals without dental insurance would benefit from public support in this respect.

In the meantime, Over the Counter medications
such as Tylenol, Ibuprofen may help in reducing your toothache before you visit the dentist. If you prefer to have natural home remedies for tooth relief rather than taking any medication, you can try ice.
If you have the toothache due to hypersensitivity then this might not be the best option for you. But if you’re not overly sensitive to cold then this may be an effective solution. Toothache arising from non-sensitivity usually indicates infection where ice is the best line of defense.

Ice works by numbing the localized area by interrupting the pain signals the nerve cells transmits to the brain giving you temporary relief. It also reduces swelling and inflammation that arises from infection from abscesses. Simply place the ice inside a plastic bag, then wrap it into a handkerchief, place it on the affect area, this should be able to give you instant tooth relief before you visit the dentist.

From : articlesbase.com

MethodeTo ReduceTooth Pain Until Visit The Dentist

Tooth pain can be a mark of many different things. It can be caused by inflammation of the gums, an abscess (an infection that develops in the tooth root or between the tooth and gum), a fractured tooth, a dislodged filling, or the most common culprit, a cavity. However, sometimes a toothache is caused by something as easy as trapped nourishment between the teeth. The cusine particles can bother the gums and the discomfort can radiate into the surrounding teeth.

The tooth hurt associated with each obstacle is experienced a little differently. For example, a cracked tooth control cause compel and discomfort when you chew portion. If you are experiencing resolute agonize accompanied by sensitivity to hot and cold, this could be a sign that a cavity has reached the nerve of your tooth.


Toothache Relief, The Methode To Stop Toothache

There are many remedies that can help pacify and ease tooth agonize until you get into the dentist. Some of these are organic and herbal in complexion while others require taking over-the-counter medications. The subsequent list outlines some of the remedies that have been known to relieve toothaches:

Rinse your mouth with ardent aqua pura to loosen any cusine particles that may be causing the discomfort and then floss or use a water-irrigating device to sinless between your teeth.

Put a couple of cloves between your aching tooth and your cheek and hold it there like a self would with chewing tobacco. Allow the hard, seed-like cloves to wet in your saliva for several minutes to soften them up and then gently gnaw on them like you would a toothpick. The soothing oils of the cloves are released into the area surrounding your aching tooth, relieving the hurt. Allow the cloves to sit for about 30 minutes or until the distress subsides. You can continue this treatment as often as essential until you get in to comprehend the dentist.

• Apply an over-the-counter tooth-pain ointment such as Anbesol or Orajel. These are numbing agents that are designed to soothe mouth pain. Take care to spring the directions on the label.

• Swish a warm salt irrigate solution surrounding in your mouth to help reduce resin swelling, sterilize abscesses and relieve tooth distress. Swish each bit for 10 to 30 seconds, focusing the salt soak on the unpleasant area as much as possible. Repeat this procedure until the glass is empty. Prepare the solution by mixing a teaspoon of table or Epsom salt into an eight-ounce glass of gracious sprinkle. Use this procedure as often as needed for sustain and pain relief.

• Take 325 milligrams of aspirin tablet every for to six hours to reduce agonize and resin inflammation. Do not ever settle aspirin directly on the tooth or gums and don’t allow it to sit in your mouth for more than a few seconds since aspirin is an acid that may burn your mouth and make difficult the situation.

• Take 200 milligrams of ibuprofen (motrin) every four hours. This suffering reliever is also a great anti-inflammatory that is easier on the tummy than aspirin.

• Wrap an ice pack in a towel and place it on the apart from of your mouth where the discomfort is for 15 to 20 minutes every hour. This will calm the pain, reduce swelling, and relieve agitated nerve endings in your aching tooth.

• Take 500 milligrams of calcium and 200 to 300 milligrams of atomic number 12 at the first signs of a toothache. These minerals can help pacify nerves and temporarily ease tooth pain. Check with your doctor before taking atomic number 12 supplements if you have any heart or kidney problems.

• Sip a camomile or echinacea tea to alleviate mild tooth ache. You can buy ready teas at the store, but for more potency, make them from the herbs. Prepare the chamomile tea by adding two tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers to two cups of boiling distilled water and steep for 10 minutes. To prepare the Echinacea tea, add four tablespoons of the dried herb to eight cups of boiling mineral water and steep for 10 minutes. Strain the teas and drink as needed for burn.

In summary, there are many different methods that have been known to ease tooth discomfort until you can get into the dentist. Try one or a association of techniques until you encounter something that works for you and then hold tight until you are able to have a professional watch at it.

From : ezinearticles.com

The Methode To Stop Toothache

Toothache is no fun at all and most habitancy call their dentists right away. However, if you feel a toothache and can’t reach a dentist, it is later hours, or you simply can’t afford it, then you will want to realize how to stop a toothache. Fortunately, stopping a toothache is not unbelieved and greatnumber times it is something you can do with the ingredients you have on hand.

When you have a toothache it could be because any figure of things. For example, you could have a cavity or an abscess. You could have more or less food caught in your teeth or you may have been hit or in an accident. You could even have a toothache from a sinus infection. There are countless other things that vigor cause a toothache, too, so there is no custom to comprehend for sure without seeing a dentist. However, you can stop the pain of your toothache before you visit the dentist and this is highly recommended for your corporal comfort.


TAG: Pupal Infection Symptoms ,Tooth Abscess , Dental pulp Infection

The first suspicion is to rinse with lukewarm water. Make sure you really rinse your mouth well so that if there is any trapped food it will be shaken loose by the mouth rinse. Many times this will work well abundance to alleviate the toothache before you visit the dentist.

Another selection to try is flossing. Many times you will be able to floss and delete any food that may be stuck in your teeth causing problems. Your gums will probably be good-looking sensitive so trick it sluggish and easy.

If you are experiencing severe pain a generous solvent is to carry a swig of whiskey and let the tooth drench in the alcohol for a few minutes. After a twosome minutes spit out the excess whiskey and enjoy a numbed tooth and less pain!

Salt water also does a tolerably trustworthy job. Take a even eight ounce glass of water and add one teaspoon of salt. Then, gargle, swirl, and basically hiss for a few minutes. Spit it out and you will undergo less pain.

You may want to try a coldness hand massage to reduce the pain, too. Simply take an ice cube and massage it into the v shaped section between your forefinger and thumb. Do this for about five minutes and you will notice your pain diminishes significantly. This is because rubbing your hand uses the same nerve pathways your toothache does. If you are giving yourself a hand press then these signals will outweigh the pain signals and you will be able to flee from the pain for a small while.

Remember not to bite when you have a toothache. Many times not using the tooth will allow it to heal quietly and return to normal.

You can also use ice to suck on several times a day. If you act like your toothache is a bruise then you will be able to relieve the pain somewhat. Just put a little ice in the cheek where the affected tooth is. Leave it there until it melts and echo every few hours.

If frozeness air is affecting your tooth and giving you a toothache then just keep your mouth closed. It really isn’t that difficult so do your beat to keep your mouth shut and flee from letting chilled air get in your mouth.

Make sure you accept without question any aspirin you take. Don’t place it on your tooth because you could get an aspirin burn.

Use these methods to help you cure a toothache. It should relieve the pain adequately to get you through the season before you dental appointment.

From : toothache-cures.com


Way to Stop Tooth Nerve/Pupal Infection Symptoms
Most painful to wear braces?
Tooth Abscess in Crown and Root

Way to Stop Tooth Nerve/Pupal Infection Symptoms

http://img694.imageshack.us/img694/5271/ailmenttoothinfection84.jpgTooth infection can be any kind of infection that affects the tooth and some parts of the oral cavity like the gums around the teeth. When talking about tooth infection, this usually involves the nerves which are the geometric center of the tooth and feeds out through the end of the root. When these nerves in the tooth die, it becomes an opening for opportunistic microorganisms to enter and infect not just the tooth but the surrounding areas as well.

The oral cavity is did up of an make of 32 to 36 tusks. Each ivory has its own function: grinding, masticating, cutting, shearing, etc.

Each ivory as well has its usual properties that oblige them authoritative and able to oppose even the duration of time.

Remember, the bones and the tusks are usually the ones left behind not decomposed even later than one’s death.

Here is so far as you need to understand more just about tooth nerves:

-The tooth nerve is called and referred to as the dental pulp.
- It is a complex mouth organ calm of connective tissues, blood vessels, and nerve axons.
- It is pinkish in cast and soft.
- It is usually removed in a dental scheme called root canal.
- Its original operation is in the development of and formation of the teeth themselves.
- While we are still young, the nerves in our tusks are relatively large, but they slowly shrink becoming diminish throughout our lives.
- The nerve serves mostly to continue the tusks hydrated and allows the dentin to retain a inevitable total of elasticity.

Is There a Likely Chance That the Tooth Nerves Will Die?

There are circumstances that will likely cause the death of the tooth nerves, and these are the following:

- During root canal procedures, the dental pulp is removed altogether.
- Existing periodontal disease will likely cause the fang nerve to die. Complications of the disease such as infection will likely contaminate and travel to the nerve or pulp of the tooth. Once this happens, the bacteria will eat its way through the nerve causing damage.
- Autoimmune disorder wherein the body itself attacks the cells and nerves of the body without the clear purport why they do so.
- Poor hygiene will also activate and fall any underlying periodontal disease, thus causing further complications.

What Will Likely Happen When a Tooth Nerve Dies?

When a tusk nerve or dental pulp dies, there will be nothing responsible for charge the tusks hydrated, thus the dentil will eventually procure weak. When it does, it’s capability to withstand horrify and its expertness to become a upset absorber decreases, placing the fangs in high circumstances to lose its strength making it prone to fractures. This is one of the reasons why tooth would usually be given a scheme wherein a crown will be placed.

From : tandurust.com, medical-look.com

Related :
- Tooth Abscess in Crown and Root
- Tooth Abscesses and the Root Canal Relief
- Remedies for Toothache Relief

New Study Shows Dental Stem Cells Regrow Bone,regeneration of bone for oral maxillofacial

In a declaration today, StemSave(TM), Inc., the vend master in the lot of stem cell recovery and cryo-preservation lauds study published in the November issue of the European Cells and Materials Journal citing the rebuilding of the human mandible bone with autologous dental pulp stem cells. StemSave commends Italian researchers from the 2nd University of Naples for their groundbreaking work.

This marks the first time dental stem cell study has moved from the laboratory to human clinical trials. The repair and regeneration of bone is particularly significant for the oral maxillofacial handle since the repair of these bones, which aid in orofacial functions like speech, chewing, swallowing and facial expressions are greatly complicated and complex.


According to Dr. David Matzilevich, M.D., Ph.D., Science Advisor to StemSave, "These clinical studies are so significant since autologous dental stem cells were extended in vitro and for the intention of oro-maxillofacial bone repair. These cells also facilitated the graft, eliminating immunologic complications such as refusal or inordinate inflammation. This is captivating because it creates an environment which proves to be more favorable and thriving for new mandibular bone to grow. This address also appears superior to modern methodologies utilizing cadaverous tissue or grafting tissue from another part of the body. I am very excited that dental stem cells have emerged as risky players in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine now that they have been approved to discriminate into complicated lineages."

"This breakthrough clinical study, which uses the patient's own stem cells harvested from their teeth to repair bone, is the first of what we believe will be an expanding index of applications to treat a rough array of disease, trauma and injury. And since dental stem cells are facile to recover as split of everyday dental procedures, this represents the first of many forthcoming uses in the field of own and regenerative medicine and supports the wisdom of banking your own stem cells from your teeth," forenamed Art Greco, CEO of StemSave, Inc.

From : medicalnewstoday.com/

Most painful to wear braces? , How much will i hurt?

Q 1 Most painful to wear braces? : My new braces hurt! I've been trying medicine but everything wears off within 2 hours. Suggestions?
Also, what is some good food to eat for a vegetarian?
How else can I alleviate the pain?
Thank you!

Q2 Most painful to wear braces? : I had my braces on for over 3 years and they were recently taken off. The pain is something you get used to, but if it is really bothering you, try taking ibuprofen, it helps. For me, it took about a week to two weeks (depending on what was done in the office) for the pain to stop. I ate a lot of pudding, jello, soup, mashed potatoes, anything soft. I am not a vegetarian, but just try looking at what is in your diet that is really soft. If you can swallow it without chewing, it is fine to eat when you are in pain, but watch the temperature, sometimes extreme temps can cause discomfort.
Good Luck!! It will get better!



“Not too much” and “so so” would be the 2 fast answers. Before you just renounce the idea of having straight teeth, let me try to explain this better. There are millions of people who treat their crooked teeth (many kids or teenagers), it shouldn’t be so painful. And it’s not.

I can tell you about my own experience in 2 systems: Damon (metal braces) and Invisalign. I got my metal braces 1 year ago. The entire process was scarier when reading about it, than the real thing. The braces got on my lateral teeth (we only braced these) on both arches and I was ready to go. With my dental wax too and the new life ahead of me. I was told to use Kethonal or any other painkiller if I couldn’t cope with the pain, prepare for few hard days and then it will be better. And it was.

After 2-3 hours I was already feeling some pressure on my teeth. It was something like my finger was in my mouth and I was pushing them a bit. Nothing too serious, sure, I didn’t take any medication. I ate with care and then went to sleep.

Morning came: I got up and accidentally clenched my teeth. AUCH! The pain almost made me scream. After getting some nice swearing done (that was the least I could do), I got to the kitchen to eat something. Yeah, sure. I wasn’t able to press my teeth against anything since it was painful. I didn’t hurt if they didn’t touch anything (so I just had my mouth slightly open as to have the teeth not touch). The pressure was still there, but the pain would appear ONLY when I clenched my teeth. So, I stopped doing this and didn’t take medication at all either. It really wasn’t the case.

I started eating mashed potatoes and all kinds of soft foods. For 2-3 days I was just like an old woman, even my grandma ate better (and you can imagine she didn’t miss the chance to observer how “old” I was).

In few days the pain wasn’t that big anymore and I started eating bread (not anything hard) and some foods that weren’t as soft as a newly born’s menu anymore. I was able to clench my teeth without kicking anyone and my brushing was more pleasant. I did try to keep a perfect hygene in the pain days and it was pretty nice.

After 1 week I was able to ditch the wax too (for few days I made my fill with dental wax and was certain I’d need some special deliveries, maybe a truck of wax, due to the huge need I had) and eat like a normal person. My doctor told me it would be a good idea to not try anything too hard (nuts or something like that) so that I don’t damage my braces, but God is my witness I could eat if I wanted to.

After each adjustment I’d have 1-2 days of some pain (not huge one, never took medication for this) and then it was all OK. The first days are the worse (when you get braced in), afterwards your teeth get adjusted to the braces so that you’d be able to “recover” faster from each adjustment.

Now I have Invisalign and still expect that pain. Maybe I got used to the metal braces that are a bit more “strong” or maybe I am just lucky. After getting the Invisalign trays on I got home and started eating fast (so that I can then eat soft foods again because of the possible pain). Waited for some hours, no pain. Just a slight pressure on my teeth. Next day: one incisor hurt. “Thank God, I’m normal.” Nothing else. In few hours the incisor stopped hurting while I was able to eat normally, even if I was prepared for another “old woman menu” for some days at least.

1 week into the treatment: I really doubt I’ll see pain anymore. I still feel that slight pressure on the teeth (more like a tickle) and nothing more. Looks like my life now will be pain-free. So .. the painkillers can remain untouched.

My conclusion would be that you should expect SOME pain. There are patients who are more sensitive and need some medication, at least in those first days, while others are “dancing” through the treatment. Just don’t fear this pain that much since it doesn’t last and in some cases it might not even appear. Just schedule that meeting with your orthodontist and DO IT. I tell you I don’t regret this, even if I was in pain for weeks. My treatments were so easy that I would be crazy not to finish this or not think that it’s too bad I didn’t do this earlier.

From : answers.yahoo.com,orthodontics-today.com

- How To Make Stained Yellow Teeth White Again
- Simple Home Remedies for Whitening Teeth
- Remedies for Toothache Relief

DENTAL\COSMETIC Technological Advances in the Field of Dentistry

To the casual observer it may appear as though is nothing has modified throughout the years in the subject of Dentistry however, it is not true. In the happenings few decades technology has did it possible and more favorable for dentist and for people to execute better results in half their oral concerns treated in a timely manner.

Because of technological advances in the subject of Dentistry it is now possible to discharge cosmetic procedures in patients who have mislaid a tooth or have severe problems concerning the shape and position of their teeth. Let's go progressing and appearance at some of the technologies that are used this day in mandate to provide a better aid to staff who are concerned about their oral health and the looks of their smile.


CAD/CAM technologies:

These stand for computer assisted intention and computer assisted manufacture, the use of these technologies have did it possible for dentists to work closely with computer software in tidiness to intention and produce complex pieces such as porcelain veneers, inlays, bridges and other oral fixtures which were extremely difficult to layout and making without the help of computers.

CAT scans:

This has become a standard technology used the present by dentists who achieve dental implants, by using CAT scans implantologists are able to get a clear picture of the density and limitation of the jawbone before they actually thrilled it in order to put in country a proper screw which will be used as the base for an implant.

Air abrasion:

This technology is used instead of the traditional and much feared drill in succession to do a cleaning, many patients get greatly worried and sensitive when they see or hear a drill, an air abrasion can grant the same benefits as its older paraphrase while preventing the patient from being frightened.

When a patient becomes utterly uneasy and the treatment in advance is known to be very unpleasant (root canals and implants) a dentist can't use a certain step of sedation which will help the person rest and feel more at ease throughout the entire procedure, some of the substances used are laughing gas and insomnia drugs. There have been a lot more changes to the plot of Dentistry because of technology, for more intelligence visit your local library or take some time to chat with your dentist, you might be wondering what you locate out.

From : articleclick.com

Tag : Teeth Braces, involved in the treatment itself, Emergency Dental Care

Platelet-rich Plasma Enhances Bone And Tissue Growth For Dental Implants

An exciting treatment gaining acceptance in orthopedics and sports medicine, called platelet-rich plasma therapy (PRP), is showing strong potential for accelerated healing of dental implant procedures, according to a prominent dental researcher and editor of the Journal of Oral Implantology.

James Rutkowski, DMD, PhD, reported at the recent annual scientific meeting of the American Academy of Implant Dentistry that platelet-rich plasma therapy can accelerate bone and tissue growth and wound healing and help assure long-term success of dental implant placements.
"What could be better than using the body's own regenerative powers to grow bone and soft tissue safely and quickly? For dental implant procedures, PRP treatments can jump start bone growth and implant adherence in just two weeks, which cuts down the time between implant placement and affixing the permanent crown," said Rutkowski.

Platelet-rich plasma is obtained from a small sample of the patient's own blood. It is centrifuged to separate platelet growth factors from red blood cells. The concentration of platelets triggers rapid growth of new bone and soft tissue. "There is very little risk because we are accelerating the natural process in which the body heals itself," said Rutkowski. "PRP speeds up the healing process at the cellular level, and there is virtually no risk for allergic reaction or rejection because we use the patient's own blood."

Rutkowski noted that some orthopedic physicians have been using PRP with success for painful and hard to treat injuries like tennis elbow, tendonitis and ligament damage. An avid Pittsburgh Steelers fan, Rutkowski couldn't resist mentioning that PRP was used in 2009 pre-game Super Bowl treatment for two Steeler players (Heinz Ward and Troy Polamalo), and both were instrumental in the team winning its 6th Super Bowl.

For dental surgery applications, Rutkowski explained that PRP is mixed as a gel that can be applied directly in tooth sockets and other sites. It also is effective in cases when bone grafts are required to foster proper bone integration for implants. Growth factors in PRP preparations help the grafts bond faster with the patient's own bone. Rutkowski reported that in one of his studies there was increased radiographic bone density during the initial two weeks following PRP treatment when compared to sites that did not receive PRP treatment.

"Accelerated healing is a goal we've been seeking in implant dentistry and we now have treatment that activates the natural healing process. It is a very promising development for implant dentistry," explained Rutkowski. He estimates that about 10 percent of practicing implant dentists have used PRP treatment and predicts it will become more common as more studies are performed.

from : medicalnewstoday.com

Teeth Braces & Invisible Orthodontics Resource

Dental braces are used the set right teeth and fix bite problems. From ceramic to metal braces, your smile can drastically ameliorate with just 2 years of treatment from your local orthodontist.

Invisible Braces are clearly distinct and an sufficient body of knowledge / technology that has revolutionized orthodontics. Say good-bye to metal brackets and wires, and hello to invisible, removable appliances called aligners. The aligners are virtually undetectable and they depart unnoticed when speaking in communal situations.Clear Braces can give you that excellent smile by straightening your teeth lacking anyone knowing.


Related :
- Lingual Braces
- Invisalign
- Clear Aligner
- Metal braces
- Clear Braces
- Damon® System

From : bracesreview.com

Moist scent/Moist Snuff,Contaminated With Harmful Substances

A new research on the smokeless tobacco goods called moist scent placed between lip and glue - has led scientists in Minnesota to urge the tobacco industry to dress manufacturing practices to subjugate snuff's content of carcinogens. Their inspection is published online in ACS' monthly journal Chemical Research in Toxicology. It reports that this type of tobacco products contains amazingly high levels of certain toxic and cancer-causing substances. Called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), they may conduce to carcinogenic effects associated with smokeless tobacco use.


Irina Stepanov and colleagues note that use of moist smell increased by almost 80 fold between 1986-2003, partially because of the notion that it is safer then cigarettes. While smokeless tobacco use is indeed associated with lower risk of cancer as compared to cigarette smoking, it can lead to precancerous oral lesions and oral, esophageal, and pancreatic cancer. Only trace amounts of one of the PAHs has been reported to be make known in smokeless tobacco prior to the recent disclosure by Stepanov and colleagues that at least eight PAHs are instant in smokeless tobacco. This decision inspired the new research.

The scientists analyzed the PAHs in 23 moist rappee samples that included various flavors of the most popular brands sold in the U.S. They identified 23 different PAHs in the samples, of which 9 are classed as carcinogens. They close that PAHs are one of the most plentiful groups of cancer-causing substances in moist rappee. "Urgent measures are required from the U.S. tobacco industry to mitigate manufacturing processes so that the levels of these toxicants and carcinogens in U.S. moist scent are greatly reduced," the article notes.

From : medicalnewstoday.com