Orthognathic surgery is the type surgery performed by Oral Surgeons to correct skeletal mismatches. The word orthognathic is derived from "ortho" meaning correct or straight and "gnathos" meaning jaw. These situations involve a situation where one of the jaws is:

- too large
- too small
- too far forward or
- too far back in relation to the rest of the skull.

Orthognathic Surgery is not intended to replace orthodontics for straightening the teeth when the relatinship ot the jaws is within the normal range, but cannot change the relationship of the jaw.

Orthognathic surgery is usually done in conjunction with orthodontics to provide the best possible end result.

Situations that lend themselves to Orthognathia are:

1. Apertognathia is a situation when the back teeth meet but the front teeth do not touch. This space causes difficulty in biting with the front teeth

2. Prognathia is a situation where the lower jaw is too large and grows too far forward. Surgery can be used to slide the lower jaw back.

3. Retrognatia is a situation where there is a "severe" overbite. These situations are managed with surgery and orthodontics together.

4. Vertical Maxiallary Excess also known as the gummy smile. In this case the upper jaw has grown too far down. Surgery can move the jaw upward to create a much nicer looking smile.
If you believe you have any of these situations discuss them with your dentist who will refer to specialists qualified to carry out these procedures.

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